Gloucester Cruise/Race August 28, 2021
Here we go again!!
Back by popular demand !!
The PCYC Regatta Committee has scheduled another
Trek to Gloucester
August 28-29, 2021
August 28, 2021
Meet on the PCYC deck at around 10:00 for a meet and greet.
Depart for Gloucester shortly afterward.
For those of you interested in participating in the cruising race, you can find the Notice of Race here. (Rating will be assigned for those who don't have one).
The Gloucester Shore amenities include walking, shopping, fine eateries, and assorted pubs with live music. So explore the main streets and back roads of Gloucester, Shop, Eat, Drink.
Overnight in Gloucester Harbor. Hit the town Saturday night in search of some live music.
August 29, 2021
​Sail back to PCYC or wherever your final destination is.
Mooring & Docking Info.
If you plan on an overnight stay, a good resource is contacting Dockwa.com, an internet service that manages many public mooring fields, including those of Gloucester. There are four distinct mooring fields in Gloucester. The Harbormaster’s website has a full description of their location. The RC suggests you consider the Inner Harbor location for ease of commuting and weather protection. If you have local knowledge of Gloucester Harbor, you might consider anchoring. But, bring along your dinghy to assure shore access. Marina slips are available at various locations, but you are on your own for this amenity. Otherwise, if on a Dockwa assigned mooring, you have free access to the available launch service, included in the $50 overnight fee. Dockwa’s check-in time is 1 PM (Saturday), with check out at 11 am on departure day (Sunday).
If you are interested in going please email the Regatta Committee as we would like to start compiling a list of potential boats. Please include the following info:
Member Name:
Boat Name:
Send information to: pcycregatta@gmail.com
Race Details
Q G 20ft 4m "23"

RG “RR” (Round Rock Shoal) FL (2+1)
R 6 sec,